I love to draw on black paper. It really gives you an interesting look. You kind of have to draw "backwards" as you already have the shadow areas. A little challenging as well…. you cannot really use an eraser (it shows, if you hold your paper in an angle and you do not cover the area with color). This picture is the first one of a series to come. Are you up for some surprises?….then check out my website time to time.
Horses are unbelivably beautiful animals. ....a hard to draw "object", but it worths the hours spent. :-) Thanks for viewing, I hope I made your day a bit brighter! :-).
Redhead Duck
I made this picture for the 2007 Oklahoma DuckStamp Competition, which was brought to my attention by a really nice friend of mine living in Oklahoma. The artwork had to introduce the lifestyle of the native Oklahoma Redhead duck.
It was a challenging work, as I have never drawn a picture of a bird or the water before. But since I love challenges I went for it……I had a great experience, learned something new, and I do hope my viewers will enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed creating it.;-)